My last piece on the CCP virus included this observation: “It seems odd that the more research and information we have on Covid-19 and its treatments, the worse the story gets.” Stepping up to the challenge, the media and their “experts” just made everything, well, “worse.” (What would we do without experts?)
CNN Medical Analyst, Dr Leana Wen, had this to say:
“And those who are vaccinated, we now know based on the CDC, they are now able, with the Delta variant, because they carry so much more virus, they could transmit it to their unvaccinated family members.”
I’m not a doctor, but I am pretty sure this is the opposite of how vaccines are supposed to work. Dr. Wen notes that her own vaccination now is a threat to her children as they are too young to be vaccinated. I am a parent, and I am quite sure becoming a threat to your children via a non-medically-necessary choice, is the opposite of how parenthood is supposed to work.
Uncle Joe’s demand/threat that we all get vaccinated or lose our homes and jobs, starve to death, become unable to travel, cash a check, use a credit card, etc., now seems designed to, what? Get everyone sick?
I’ve been trying since we all were scolded by the president for being adults and making our own decisions in what once was a free country (but at least not (yet) a prison colony), to figure out the Kafkaesque nature of his demand. (It’s so good to have an adult of whom we can be proud back in the Oval Office.) I am pretty sure his tirade can be summarized as below:
The vaccinated demand the unvaccinated get vaccinated to protect the vaccinated from the virus against which the vaccinated were vaccinated.
Do I have that right?
But if we “follow the science,” at least according to CNN’s Medical Analyst, quoting the CDC, Joe has it exactly backward: It’s the vaccinated who are a risk to the unvaccinated. But that’s par for the course with Joe; he’s always been wrong.
But I guess the Powers That Be experimenting on children will fix that, seeing that they now are testing these gene-altering inoculations (I think we’re past the idea these are “vaccines”) on kids whose IFR is about 0.001, so we can do – what… make kids superspreaders, too? And the teacher unions are demanding we turn every child into a superspreader in order to get our children back in school… where they can… infect everyone? Is that what the most powerful Democrat-supporting union in America sees as our way forward? OK. I’ll admit it. I’m confused.
But at least BigPharma will make bank, and that’s the goal, right? Just like the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Congressional-Complex making bank in our un-won / refuse-to-win “wars.” It’s been a long time since I was in the military, but nowadays it costs $768,000,000,000 – annually – to prepare for wars we plan to lose? (Plus, of courses, the $10,000,000,000 we used to fund the Taliban military effort.)
Meanwhile, back in the state-whose-governor-just-got-fired-for-molesting-women, hospitals are closing departments; (irony alert) maternity, for instance (pretty sure maternity is a non-optional event once labor begins, but I’m not a “body with a vagina,” so maybe I have that wrong? Perhaps a birthing person can enlighten me?), or are just closing entirely.
President Biden’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers may have “devastating” effects on rural hospitals, as a fully vaccinated staff will become a requirement for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. Jerry Jasper, CEO at Brownfield Regional Medical Center in Texas, said that while most of his staff are vaccinated, there are about “20 to 25 percent” who are not. Losing those employees may be the end of the hospital, he told KCBD.
Not sure how forcing hospitals to close in the midst of a pandemic is good for the people in the area, but I’m not a Democrat policy maker or voter.
The new governor of New York, on the other hand, has a solution in two parts:
Maybe she can get some of the illegals crossing the Rio Grande to staff her hospitals. They don’t have to be vaccinated so easily can replace the American workers who have been on the front lines of Covid for 18 months and know the dangers better than any and so are rejecting the jab at high rates across the country -- and so getting fired. The thousands under the bridge must include at least a few nurses. Bonus: they work at a lower cost than American medical staff and can help the Late Great State of New York recover some of the costs incurred by killing about 12,000 elderly. (Or was that a reduction in healthcare costs by killing about 12,000 elderly? Again, I am confused…)
My gosh, it’s good to have competent government again. Wide-open borders, a rout of our military, energy re-dependendence, a virus that is being treated to excellent results in non-Western countries but is killing people in America because those treatments are essentially outlawed, massive spikes of the WuFlu in the countries most-vaccinated (and here), hospitals closing because the medical professionals are rejecting a vaccination, and the vaccinated being the biggest risk to the unvaccinated our president is demanding get vaccinated.
Or else.
Article tags: Afghanistan, Covid, Covid-19, HCQ, Joe Biden, open borders, Taliban, vaccinations, vaccine
I agree wholeheartedly with this piece but there is no scientific evidence that the mRNA vaccines do any kind of gene altering. These chemicals never get close to the nucleus and the DNA where any genetic alterations would take place. Children should not be vaccinated since no long term studies are available to vouch for the safety of these drugs, and as pointed out children are at an infinitesimally small risk from dying from covid-19. The only people who should be vaccinated with these experimental vaccines are the elderly and those with known risk factors for dying from covid-19. Indeed, the vaccinated are the promoters and vectors for the variants since the vaccines are incomplete protection and allow for mutations to occur in the unstable spike protein. Natural infection gives robust protection not only against the spike protein but to the rest of the body of the virus thus making protection against the variants much more likely than the vaccines. In fact universal vaccination is a sure method for prolonging the epidemic as we have seen (Israel is a perfect example) and delaying herd immunity which is the only way for the epidemic to become an endemic seasonal presence.