Rishi Sunak: the Worm Turns

Tom Finnerty04 Nov, 2022 2 Min Read
Time to save the planet, dear boy. Now get on with it.

Writing a few days ago on Britain's new prime minister, Rishi Sunak, this author expressed some hope that his decision to reimpose a nationwide ban on fracking (a ban which Sunak had opposed when standing for leader, it should be noted), "was merely Sunak recognizing the reality on the ground, which is that fracking isn't particularly popular among elected MPs," and suggested this objectively bad decision would be offset by other, saner resource sector tweaks. Sunak himself argued that the platform the party was elected on in 2019 promised a fracking ban, and he felt bound to respect that. Fair enough.

But now Sunak has deflated those hopes. After saying on several occasions that he had no intention of attending this year's United Nations Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (known as COP27), Sunak has once again changed course, and while spouted hackneyed warmist jibberish to boot:

Sure, Rishi, all of human prosperity depends upon the rich-and-powerful flying their private jets to Egypt to sit around in air conditioned rooms talking about how important you all are.

Sunak's elevation has been widely touted as a return to "grown-up" governance. But, as the British journalist Ben Sixsmith points out in a piece about Sunak, to call a major politician "a grown-up" is to damn him with faint praise. "Grown-up" in politics, Sixsmith argues, is a codeword for someone who makes journalists feel all warm and fuzzy inside. They invariably wear nice suits, have sensible haircuts, and speak fluidly and confidently when a microphone is in their face. What they say is of little importance.

This writer is less certain on that last point. To me, the title "grown-up" is bestowed by the media upon those who have promised not to offend elite sensibilities on any important topic. It isn't a partisan designation -- there are plenty of ostensibly right-of-center figures who have been so complimented, with George Bush the elder, John McCain, and Mitt Romney being standouts in this category. Of course, it is worth mentioning that ultimately losing elections is what allowed those three to maintain their "grown-up" status.

This is something Rishi should probably take note of as he begins his Green-ward turn. Meanwhile, his change-of-heart is winning praise from all of the wrong people in British life. For instance:

Funny how the Strange New Respect a move like this inspires can't even sustain itself for the life of an entire tweet.

Tom Finnerty writes from New England and Ontario.


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4 comments on “Rishi Sunak: the Worm Turns”

  1. Global cooling is a far greater danger. It happens periodically and is called ice ages. Minor cooling epocs have crashed civilizations and created famines.
    If the warming is real, we can always follow the methods of global cooling that volcanoes use and inject aerosols into the upper atmosphere.
    Volcanoes have already provided a tested model for this.

  2. I think the problem is that they don't really believe in anything, except how to accumulate more power. It is simply maddening to contemplate how humans will attempt to change the global climate, which has been changing all by itself for 4 1/2 billion years now. Perhaps my thinking will change when we learn how to postpone or eliminate a brief summer rain shower in order to keep an elite's backyard party dry. Let alone changing the axis of our globe or arresting a solar flare on the sun.

  3. With warming, climate can only change for the better, net. Energy security requires grown-up diplomacy and international finance. It does not require unreliable, insecure renewable installations. It may require increased utilization of North Sea oil & gas and Britain’s mile thick shale gas.
    What fools rule, what fools are the ruled.
    A recipe for foolishness.

  4. So, are the elites true acolytes of the Green Goddess and actually believe that anthropogenic global warming is real and can be controlled or are they just interested in political power?

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