Netflix’s The Crown has provided us with an episode that shines a glaring light on the Royal Family’s activity that is frankly, broadly destructive. In Season 3, Prince Philip endures an existential, midlife-meltdown, ameliorated by one of their pet clergy, and as tribute, he resolves to set up at Windsor a retreat for exhausted members of the laity. Philip then proceeds to attend a men’s Bible study with said laity, where he explores what his service to humanity might be.
Over the ensuing five decades, St. George’s, for such is it called, under the then-Prince of Wales with his father, has been transformed into something quite other, an outfit meant to promote Philip and Charles’s deep passion for “conserving the earth.” Methodically, the two princes have been inviting members of other faith disciplines in the U.K. to study groups and have transformed St George’s from a place where one’s relationship with God is explored, to selling Charles and Philip’s new religion, neatly encapsulated into the Terra Carta.
The Terra Carta, signed onto by members of the World Economic Forum, dozens of non-governmental organizations, and investment houses, is Charles's bid for King of the World. The only people allowed to use St. George’s are members of the Order of the Garter, that decoration in the Sovereign’s gift alone. A power elite, meant to sell the new faith. Tony Blair, for example.
The Magna Carta was forced on the ruling class. Terra Carta is being forced on the people by the ruling class. This feint of language hides a masterful strategy. At present, every single faith in the U.K. has repurposed itself to becoming a Tribune For The Earth, and almost all the “tributes from the people” have been repurposed to Net-Zero, green energy, and the U.N.’s “sustainability” goals. Even the Sikhs are all in. All of this is hidden in plain sight on the Royal Family's website.
King Charles is generally regarded as a dim fellow, plodding, vainglorious, foolish even. He is credited as a hard worker though, putting in a twelve-hour day every day for fifty years in waiting. and while the Prince's Trust is justly said to have taken one million kids off the street into jobs, his real work, the impassioned work, has been building the New World Order.
Terra Carta's image is crowned by his coronet insignia laying claim to a new religion for the earth, and Astra Carta, same crown, lays claim to the heavens. That is how outsized Charles' ambition is, something written all over the bloated, silly, coronation we all endured.
Since establishing his aim, Charles has methodically worked through not only the faiths of the British Isles, but the professions. Using his prestige -- an invitation from Charles is rarely refused -- he has drawn everything under his carapace, pitching his astoundingly wooly verbiage which hides a grim, exigent, destructive agenda. As Mark Carney, Governor of the Banks of England and Canada says, conform or die.
Let's start with the faiths. The money to be made from religion is a titanic pile of cash. The Anglican Church has a portfolio of 10.3 billion pounds, much of it in green investments. Parishes complain that their roofs are leaking and caretaking of the desperate is no longer happening. They are told to fundraise. All their donations have been repurposed to saving the earth. People be damned. According to reporter, Deb Evans of the U.K. Column, who has done the deep dive on this, the Duchy of Cornwall, from which Charles drew 21 million pounds a year as Prince of Wales, now counts as the poorest district in Europe, tied with Lithuania. Not only did Charles drag money out of Cornwall to pursue his goals, he owns 205 square miles of it, means that development had to survive rigid sustainability requirements. Which means no economic growth.
That this has been a huge boondoggle for the Royal Family's investment portfolio and the various churches needs hardly to be said. Green investments, Net-Zero, wind, solar and tides projects, electrification of everything from cars to backhoes, requires enormous investments from the government. So the taxpayer is paying for this twice, with their donations to the churches and their taxes. Church leaders, on the other hand, live in their grace-and-favor piles and swan around international gatherings.
Faith investments represent the third largest block of investments in the world. The World Economic Forum has taken note. FaithInvest was launched in 2019, with fifty faith partners, several investment houses, and the United Nations. In June of 2022, the World Wildlife Federation launched a Belief and Values Programme, "which will have a huge impact on wildlife and landscape protection around the world." Who was one of WWF's founders, and its eternal chief? Prince Philip.
At the same time, the Alliance of Religions and Conservation sprang to life funded in large part by Porticus, a Dutch philanthropic foundation, owned a family of devout Catholics who have married into several European royal families. As a side note, Porticus is allied with Ellen MacArthur of the American MacArthur Foundation. There is no corner of the culture where His Royal Highness has not meddled, and redirected investment into one of the most egregious scams the world has ever known. Tulip mania? The South Sea Bubble? The Mississippi Bubble? We are in the region of trillions annually, with tens of thousands of billions directed by church leaders, operating at a loss for "the people" whose money they are using.
Here are some of Faith Invests partners: UNDP, U.N. Environment, WWF International, The Vatican's Covid Commission, the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The World Evangelical Alliance. The Work Bank's Climate Investment Funds, China Daoist Association, Religions for Peace, Laudato Si' Movement, Geneva Agape Foundation, The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility, U.N. Multifaith Taskforce, United Religions, Initiative, Interfaith Power and Light, Hazon, Greenfatih, Bhumi Global, EcoSikh. And many more.
The Global Mutual Fund market alone as of January 2024 stands at $67,481.52 billion. The Faith portion of that stands at $22,493 billion. Much of that money, as described in my last piece, is churned. The taxpayer funds the project, which invariably fails, the taxpayer picks up the bill, and the investor, flush with cash, goes on to another project.
Unless this course is corrected, King Charles III will be remembered as managing us into a massive fiscal collapse. That collapse will be used to commodify the world's natural resources, to be owned by the rich, silly, and malignant people who created this disaster.
Article tags: Bhumi Global, Charles III, EcoSikh, Faith Invest, King Charles III, Mark Carney, Terra Carta, The Great Reset, WEF
Outstanding research as always by the UK Column