To “save the lives” of Americans, Uncle Joe Biden’s CCCP junta (Covid-CriticalRaceTheory-Climate Party) mandated that all of us with whom they have lost patience must do what we are told. Now.
Federal Court: No.
To “save the planet,” the CCCP cancelled new exploitation of oil resources on federal lands. Because who cares about the economy, jobs, prosperity, families, the future … or the law … when in conflict with the opinion of a guy whose only domestic job is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” at which he is epically failing (immigration, anyone?).
Federal Court: No.
And not a drop for us.
As oil prices skyrocket in tune with the demands of Democrats, it’s good to know that America began storing oil in a Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the 1970s when the OPEC cartel stopped shipping the stuff to us. And now that Uncle Joe has terminated new production and has gone hat-in-hand to the cartel begging them for more (OPEC: “No”) at least we’ll have the SPR to help offset the economic hit. Well, we would have if the CCCP weren’t selling off our strategic oil reserves to Asia.
The Davos elite, led by Klaus Schwab, would have us all believe that freezing to death this winter in the absence of real energy (for which wind and solar are only imaginary substitutes) will be remembered in the coming 2-3-5-degree increase they forecast as the good old days.
In fact, quite a few real scientists are processing actual data (not long-ridiculed “Hockey stick” that started this entire hoax, or ever-re-manipulated global temperature readings). What are these scientists seeing?
Earth is also currently experiencing a surprisingly long period with very low sunspot activity. That is associated with the earth's history with even lower, colder temperatures. The pattern was seen during a period known as the Dalton Minimum from 1790 to 1830, which saw temperature readings decline by two degrees in a 20-year period.
The Maunder Minimum, 1645–1715, also preceded by fewer sunspots (and the lengthening solar cycles we may be seeing now), was both colder and longer. If you think being a bit warmer with more food and fewer deaths from extreme weather is a problem, try growing food and living beneath a mile of ice… Snowball earth will be far worse than temperate earth.
Come to think about it, if the interpretation by scientists of the real data is accurate (and history suggests that it is), a colder-than-average winter may, indeed, be the good old days. If we are approaching another mini-ice age only a century or two since exiting the last, “freezing” may be remembered as “a balmy day.” In the 18th and 19th centuries, Londoners were ice skating the Thames and Hans Christian Anderson was writing about Silver Skates on the Zuiderzee. And who's to say the next Ice Age will be "mini"?
O where O where have the sunspots gone?
Consider: food plants (and humans) thrive in warmer temperatures and higher CO2 concentrations, which is why those searching outer space for habitable planets are looking for warmer ones. But Bill Gates, the individual owning the largest amount of farmland in America (and who is polluting enormously while buying more, globally) wants lower temperatures and lower CO2 concentrations. Let us ask Mr. Gates about his plans to own all the farmland yet be unable to feed the global population as the earth cools, shall we?
It is important to remember that the same Davos oligarchs who gamed the pandemic in advance, demand the CCP Virus “vaccine” mandate and passports, and insist we reduce/eliminate energy usage and thereby our standard of living are not in the least negatively affected by the policies they apply -- not to themselves but only to us.
It also is important to remember that the intent of this crowd is to do away with self-rule globally and to place the planet’s population under their dictatorship. This is why their policies on Covid, Climate, CRT are destroying the middle class. They are not stupid and these are not “mistakes” resulting in “failure.” This is all part and parcel of their Great Reset.
This is not a game. With their enlistment of global media, education, healthcare, bioweapons labs (what could one call “gain of function” other than a "bioweapon"?), supply chains and manufacturing, it’s a war. But only one side is fighting.
America has the advantage of a written Constitution limiting the power and reach of its federal government. Occasionally a federal court will grasp that it means what it says, as in the two examples with which this column began. Other Western nations lack this – but are more competent at filling the streets with people, trucks and tractors in protest. We are growing tired of these parasites we feed, clothe, house, enrich, and transport deciding and acting against us, our children and our future.
In Schwab we don't trust.
The rule of law will survive – or Davos and the CCCP will destroy it. There are millions of us on the side of law. Against a few dozen oligarchs polluting the planet “to save it.” If the nascent dictators don’t pull-back and adhere to law and the traditions of Western Civilization, sooner or later a spark will ignite a conflagration.
When “disobedience” starts, it will remain civil only for so long. BLM, Antifa and the oligarchs taught that civil disobedience is punishable; but burning down cities is not. Somewhere in Switzerland, the international oligarchs are weighing their next moves.
Article tags: Bill Gates, CCCP, Covid, Covid-19, Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, WEF, World Economic Forum
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