Looking for an Alternative für Deutschland.
Just as the election of Donald Trump shocked the liberal American media to its core -- so badly that the Democrats immediately declared war on his legitimacy and have waged an eight-year campaign to put him in the dock and behind bars for his effrontery in upsetting the New World Order's applecart -- so has the European vote blindsided its collection of establishment routiniers, including France's Emmanuel Macron, who dissolved Parliament and called a snap election for the end of this month; Germany's Olaf Scholz, whose Social Democrat-led coalition government is now teetering on the brink; and Belgium's leftist prime minister Alexander De Croo, who immediately resigned in tears and shame.
Germany’s ruling coalition suffered a crushing blow in the European Parliament election on Sunday, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats recording their worst result in a national vote in more than a century. The left-leaning coalition’s steep losses — support for the Greens fell by nearly half — will likely renew questions over the government’s stability. The alliance, a three-way partnership that includes the Social Democrats, Greens and Free Democrats, has struggled to find answers to an array of acute problems facing the country, from a stagnant economy to the deep dysfunction of its asylum system.
Though regular elections aren’t due until the fall of 2025, persistent infighting within the alliance over everything from Russia’s war on Ukraine to the budget has fueled speculation that the government could collapse well before then.

They really do hate you.
The corrupt corporate media -- don't miss Against the Corporate Media, publishing Sept. 10! -- have taken some public solace in the fact that the "centrist" parties will still remain the largest bloc in Strasbourg, but the fact remains that the Leftist stenographers have been stunned by the results. And it's also true that in the (non-E.U.) United Kingdom, Labour will easily terminate Rishi Sunak's Tories on July 4, entirely thanks to Boris Johnson's stunning selfishness and ineptitude and the Conservative Party's passive inability to stop Britain's cultural degeneration. (American GOP, please note.)
But even they can't avoid the truth, which is that their beautiful theories of "climate change," open borders, and support for the festering anti-democratic, anti-Christian cesspool of financial corruption called the Ukraine have just been mugged by a gang of brutal facts. To paraphrase Bismarck, the Ukraine isn't worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grenadier, and NATO's insane rush to start World War 3 with the Russians may finally be braked by European self-interest and common sense.
No doubt the European media, like its American counterparts after Trump's election, will quickly mount a full-throated counter-attack, hurling the only epithet they have -- far right -- at the members of the various nation-states who believe in the nation far more than they care about the state. Anyone can get a passport, but passports don't make citizens; citizens make passports. (Ireland, please copy.)
So out the back end of Air Force One they go, still screaming about wind and solar, the benefits of "cultural enrichment," and the dangers of recrudescent Nazism. Maybe on the way down they'll remember that the late National Socialist German Workers Party was, well, socialist, and was once allied with the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also socialist and also now deceased. Have a nice trip on your way to the ash heap of history.