Red-Pilled 'Climate Science'

Tom Finnerty08 Sep, 2023 2 Min Read
Summary for policymakers.

On several occasions here at The Pipeline we've referenced the 2021 book "Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters," by physicist and former Obama Administration official ("Undersecretary for Science in the U.S. Department of Energy" was his title) Steven Koonin.

If you haven't read it, you should. Rupert Darwall referred to Unsettled as "The most important book on climate science in decades," and we heartily agree. But if you need more convincing then that, you should sit down and watch this interview Koonin did recently with the Hoover Institution's Peter Robinson. In it he discusses how he came to question his fairly conventional beliefs (at least on the political Left) about our warming planet being the result of human-generated carbon emission. And what inspired his conversion was his taking a closer look at the science. When he started working it out for himself, Koonin realized that it didn't add up.

Or more precisely, he began to notice that the claims that the actual climate scientists were making -- including in the much referenced, but rarely read IPCC reports -- were significantly less dramatic than the politicians and especially the media would lead you to believe. He describes the accepted "climate" narrative as the result of a game of Telephone, where people who didn't read the many thousands of pages of dense scientific writing contained in the IPCC report attempt to sum it up in the much shorter "Summary for Policymakers," which is then read (or skimmed) by political staffers, who then sum it up for their bosses, who then give speeches about how the world is about to explode. Which is nonsense.

So watch this interview, and pass it along to anyone you know who is having heart palpitations about having to continue to run the air conditioner in September.

Tom Finnerty writes from New England and Ontario.


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