The late Michael Crichton, patiently listening to Charlie Rose's stupid questions and then trying to explain logic, evidence, and reality to him:
The desire of hysterical Chicken Littles for the End Times, the Rapture, or just plain The End never diminishes, and a legion of snake-oil salesmen—many of them in the media— are happy to service the demand for panic porn. Plus, there's a sucker born every minute to keep the carnival barkers in the well-upholstered "prophecy" business.
Article tags: Al Gore, Charlie Rose, climate change, fossil fuels, global warming, Michael Crichton, prophecy, the End Times
We see useful idiots blocking the ,eat section pouring out milk gluing themselves to Runways, and Roads throwing soup and mashed potatoes on works of art this sounds to me like a a Cult of total fanatics