It's now just a few days before Joe Biden, the aged, doddering former U.S. Senator and two term vice president, is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States. Donald J. Trump was impeached Tuesday, if that is the word for the truncated, evidence-free series of rants by Democratic congressmen on the floor of the House. No facts in were evidence. But a fountain of emotion far more toxic than Covid-19, spewed forth.
Rule of law has disintegrated into some mockery of group therapy in the American capital. One knows better than to ask if this is a function of female leadership. Perhaps it is. But many male Democrats appear to suffer from the uncontrollable rage common to PMS sufferers. And Trump Derangement Syndrome has gripped them all.
There's a silver lining to this appalling political theater. Now, two months after our Third World style election marked by serious claims of massive ballot fraud, including voting by the ineligible and the dead, the inescapable reality has finally arrived. The millions of Trump voter who have entertained the charming but childish notion that an election victory stolen in broad daylight will be restored by some process, before the inauguration -- finally see that it is not going to happen.
Millions of Trump voters have been living with a mental process something like this: ‘You did this horrible thing to us. Everyone saw. The neighbors! The whole world. Surely you are going to admit it and give me back what is rightly mine?’
What -- no Krakens?
But when the entire establishment colludes to remove a president who threatens the profitable operations of the American political and corporate classes, the possibility of a fix in real time is a fantasy. For most of us, as with any deception and loss, the longer one maintains a dream of justice and happily ever after, the greater the pain and suffering.
Of course it is very hard to walk away from what we all grew up believing about "the will of the people," and the virtues of democratic representation itself, on which we base our understanding the social compact. A "Great Reset" to Biden and socialism is bleak, so fantasies persist.
A stolen election leading to the destruction of half the country’s faith in our entire system of governance remains hard to process and accept. For many it leads to talk of secession, and civil war -- which are not unreasonable if you believe you and your communities have been permanently disenfranchised, and the Constitution shredded.
Consider, however, the possibility that we have already lost that war. That every institution with power or influence in our nation, is in the hands of the left. That is the case, even apart from the question of ballot fraud, committed by software or local party hacks.
Nor is it easier when our tech overlords decree that anyone who dares discuss the deliberately unresolved, barely investigated mounds of evidence that suggest a fraudulent election, is, per the Great (Social) Reset, going to have his social media accounts stripped, insurance policies cancelled, job offers nullified, academic posts and legal partnerships taken away, and a host of other acts of corporate and government destruction of life, liberty, and property.
The ‘social credit’ system, newly imported from Communist China, is coming down hard on anyone who questions the actions of our political overseers -- as has been amply demonstrated, to their shame, by the tech industry's "cancel culture," which has now spread to much of corporate America. Indeed, this has been the case for years for thought crimes in social matters, such as using pronouns associated with biological sex, not chosen "identity," or insufficient enthusiasm for the expansion of "marriage" to any two, or three, or more people.
O Brave New World!
It sure was neat how last week’s conveniently timed violence at the Capitol, the origins and perpetrators of which are only now being investigated, and perhaps arrested, after a rush to pin it on the President's followers, pushed remaining serious questions about the election's integrity off the table? How the well-timed violence caused Republican senators and congressmen to decide on the spot not to question clearly illegitimate votes in their own states? Another small reality reset: planned violence helped the narrative crowd out of having to explain away any contradictory facts.
This owes much to our nation’s current lack of a free and honest media, without which a free society can not trust information. Instead, we are stuffed to the gills with propaganda factories working with partisan politicians. Which is why narratives – big lies -- of the sort that undergird totalitarian societies, have crowded out reality. Especially in a year when everyone was forced to stay at home, watching screens.
For conservatives, the worst narrative of all was Q-Anon, that great psyops that sucked the fight out of millions of patriots, who came to believe that Trump was playing and winning "three dimensional chess" against a gang of pedophiles, and deep state holders of power. It will take a serious investigative reporter to unearth where the Q cult came from. Considering how the Q fantasy lulls patriots into complacence about "winning," I presume it was perpetrated by Trump's enemies.
So patriotic Americans can be forgiven for believing in the triumph of honesty and justice; that Trump would seize upon a weapon like the Insurrection Act, or martial law; that he would finally get an honest hearing for the suspicious vote tallies, and would serve the second term that he may well have earned -- as Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, and other spokesmen encouraged supporters to believe. (A question remains as to whether use of the Insurrection Act, to smash BLM/Antifa during their looting and rioting last summer, would have led to a different outcome now.)
The beast that never came.
But the magic fix fantasy went on way too long. Late last week I watched a rational Trump supporter explain what actions need to happen to preclude the worst of coming Biden Administration policies. An ardent Trumper accused him of weakness for not believing that Trump would pull it all out and take a second oath of office. Just last weekend, I got an email from a Nevada GOP club insisting that Trump would triumph.
In life you should always fight to preclude a bad outcome. Hire lawyers. Spend what it takes. Preach. Trump did some of that. Not enough. Arguably he was blocked. You saw what happened to first-rate lawyers who worked with the Trump campaign. Some careers ended, others were merely threatened.
But when all avenues of victory are closed – accept reality. Retreat. Devise a new strategy. Change plans, tactics, strategy. (Not principles!) Be flexible. But always acknowledge reality. Being an adult means knowing when to fold ‘em, and find a different path.
Actually, it is a relief to dump the dual track planning, and the "hope against hope" that we will not be forced to again tolerate the odious, racialist, radical identity-driven politics of the Obama era. Get rid of the stupid foreign policy of losing purposeless wars of choice, genuflecting to Islamist dictators of impoverished nations, and kowtowing to the Chinese, who are our economic and political enemies. The Green New Deal, tool of economic control, hovers. The Biden/Harris/Obamaites are ready to bring it all back, this time full strength. They are radicals who aspire to soft totalitarianism, with no regard for liberty or the rule of law. Their “Great Reset” will make you poorer, colder and less able to support your family.
The virtue of accepting reality – even a bad reality in which illegal aliens flood our borders and get stimulus checks, and teachers unions destroy school choice, while social credit schemes limit individual liberty --- is that you can mobilize to fight it only when you acknowledge what is really happening. Blinders off, comrades. Clarity or death.
Article tags: 2020 Election, Covid-19, Donald Trump, feminis, Green New Deal, socialism, The Great Reset, the Kraken
Thank you, Lisa
This was FRIGHTENING! Everything I have thought and feared about this 'GREAT RESET' is in this article! A feeling of DREAD, DOOM is overwhelming! I kept donating and speaking up and out when I could, thinking persons of the LEFT WOULD look deeper and see the HYPOCRISY! I am 70, was hoping for my next and perhaps my last decade to enjoy my most wonderful AMERICA... the GREAT DESIRE to see my grandchildren thrive and embrace the only country that once believed "IN GOD WE TRUST!" I fear that SOCIALISM will rule, and we will have witnessed "THE RISE & FALL OF AMERICA."
Dear Lisa,
Good article, however I very much disagree with your claim that Q-Anon sucked the fight out of millions of patriots. Yet you link to an article by the BBC...really?
Do you mean the same patriots that gave President Trump 10+ million more votes than 2016; unprecedented for an incumbent president.
The one's that gave him Ohio and Florida and all but one of the bell weather counties.
The numerous boat, car, and spontaneous rallies.
The ones that had PDJT up by a lot late in the evening of 11/3 before the coordinated 'stop the count' happened in most of the contested battleground States.
Your assessment doesn't make sense. None of the above describes patriots that were complacent; in fact they were energized.
I would argue that a failed DOJ/FBI who seemed to operate under two systems of justice.
The "stupid" party of the GOPe who fought patriots from the beginning; i.e Paul Ryan, Mitch, others.
The constant attacks by dems, media, Big Tech censorship, accusations of racism, Russia collusion, etc
There are your bogeymen for any reason for complacency which the real votes don't demonstrate.
The patriots voted...Big Time...the complacency you claim was in the GOP party and various elected officials who once again demonstrated that they have no spine, never did, and never will. My 40+ year membership in the republican party ends the end of this week...the ultimate complacency.
Just copy the url, paste into an email, and send!
The best piece you’ve ever written. Mazel Tov
To Pipeline
Why would I want to sign up with twitter or face book?
Does something prevent you from having plain old E mail so that I can send this to a friend?