Coming Sept. 10: 'Against the Corporate Media'

Michael Walsh21 Jul, 2024 4 Min Read
Forty-two ways the press hates you.

Following the successful debut of Against the Great Reset (now available in a paperback edition with a specially designed cover by Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez), The Pipeline is proud to announce the forthcoming publication of the next book in our series, Against the Corporate Media: 42 Ways the Press Hates You. The book, which is available for pre-order immediately, will be available in paperback or on Kindle on September 10.

Starting today and running to the second week in September, we will present brief excerpts from each of the forty-two essays. The roster of talent recruited for this volume speaks for itself; many if not most of these names will be familiar to you:

Lance Morrow, Andrew Klavan, Peter Berkowitz, David Reaboi, John O’Sullivan, Charlie Kirk, Jon Gabriel, J. Peder Zane, Ashley Rindsberg, Arthur Milikh, Peter Prichard, John Fund, John J. Miller, Mark Hemingway, Clarice Feldman, Kyle Shideler, Monica Crowley, Steve Hayward, Nick Searcy, Sebastian Gorka, Roger L. Simon, Mark Krikorian, Kurt Schlichter, Liz Sheld, Tom Finnerty, Jack Dunphy, Ian Gregory, David Solway, Elizabeth Nickson, Ben Scallan, Peter Smith, Armond White, George MF Washington, Thomas H. Lipscomb, Priscilla Turner, Jenny Kennedy, Austin Ruse, Glenn Reynolds, Hannah Giles, Larry O’Connor, and Bill Whittle.

Pre-order today!

The book is dedicated to my friend, Mark Steyn, free-speech warrior. Writes New York Times best-selling author Peter Schweizer:

With a glorious collection of writers—many of them former insiders—Against the Corporate Media is the single best dissection of the major media I’ve ever seen. Read it and share a copy with a journalist friend. Highly recommended.

Adds Daniel Greenfield, vice-president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center:

No matter how much you hate the media, it’s never enough. And if you really hate the media, Against the Corporate Media is a no-holds barred takedown of a corrupt media establishment that lies, cheats and destroys good people by some of the best in the business.

Here's a look at the table of contents:

Introduction: A “Higher Loyalty”
By Michael Walsh..............................................................................1

Journalism Was a Rascal, An Excerpt from The Noise of Typewriters
By Lance Morrow........................................................................... 19
Letter to a Young Journalist
By Andrew Klavan......................................................................... 24
The Press, the Professors, and Postmodern Progressivism
By Peter Berkowitz......................................................................... 36
The Van Jones Rule
By David Reaboi............................................................................. 49
Through the Revolving Door: How the Fourth Estate Vanished
By John O’Sullivan......................................................................... 62
The Falling Half-Life of a Lie
By Charlie Kirk............................................................................... 76
Journalists: Heroes in Their Own Minds
By Jon Gabriel................................................................................. 80

The Sins of the Gray Lady
By J. Peder Zane.............................................................................. 89
The Davos Times: Bespoke Propaganda
By Ashley Rindsberg.................................................................... 102

The Founders’ Notions of the Freedom of the Press
By Arthur Milikh.......................................................................... 115
Check Your Opinions with Your Parka
By Peter Prichard.......................................................................... 127
Media Objectivity, 1920–2024, RIP
By John Fund................................................................................ 140
Partisan Media? ’Twas Ever Thus
By John J. Miller........................................................................... 147
Checking the “Fact Checkers”
By Mark Hemingway................................................................... 157
That Sullivan Decision
By Clarice Feldman...................................................................... 165
Spies and Journalists: A Very Special Relationship
By Kyle Shideler............................................................................ 172

Nixon and the Weaponization of Media Hate
By Monica Crowley...................................................................... 185
The Media vs. Donald J. Trump: The Russia Hoax
By Steven F. Hayward................................................................... 193
How the Media Missed What I Saw on January 6
By Nick Searcy.............................................................................. 209
How “Woke” Conquered the Media
By Sebastian Gorka...................................................................... 218
We Shall Never Overcome
By Roger L. Simon........................................................................ 225
The Media vs. the Nation’s Borders
By Mark Krikorian....................................................................... 232
The Media vs. the Military
By Kurt Schlichter........................................................................ 246
What the Media Doesn’t Know About Guns
By Elizabeth Sheld........................................................................ 253
Green Media, Green Monolith
By Tom Finnerty........................................................................... 260
The Media vs. the Police
By Jack Dunphy............................................................................ 270

Inside the Woke BBC
By Ian Gregory.............................................................................. 279
Canada: The Media as State Collaborator
By David Solway........................................................................... 286
The CBC: From Crown Jewel to Jacobins
By Elizabeth Nickson................................................................... 296
The One-Party Media State in Ireland
By Ben Scallan.............................................................................. 309
The Duplicitous Media Down Under
By Peter Smith.............................................................................. 317

Who Needs Criticism, Anyway?
By Armond White........................................................................ 327
How We Lost It at the Movies
By George MF Washington......................................................... 335
The Death of Book Publishing
By Thomas Lipscomb................................................................... 341
The Triumph of Deaf Stockbrokers
By Michael Walsh......................................................................... 350

How Women Changed Journalism
By Priscilla Turner........................................................................ 359
Letters to an Acclimatised Beauty
By Jenny Kennedy........................................................................ 372
All Gay, All the Time
By Austin Ruse.............................................................................. 382

The Birth of the Blogosphere
By Glenn Harlan Reynolds......................................................... 393
Citizen Journalism and the Breitbart Legacy
By Hannah Giles........................................................................... 404
Present at the Creation
By Larry O’Connor...................................................................... 412
Censorship: The First Refuge of Cowards
By Bill Whittle............................................................................... 419

In short, we've tried to expose the shortcomings of the monolithic media in as many ways as possible. So please check back with us frequently during the next eight weeks as we take you into the heart of darkness that is the corrupt, dishonest and almost completely untrustworthy American and international media, including print, broadcast, and cable. Escape from Plato's Cave and realize there's a whole, real world of information and commentary awaiting you beyond the walls of the information prison. In short, turn off the television, reject the Corporate Media, and think for yourself.

As part of the run-up to our launch, I'll be a guest during the third hour of Sebastian Gorka's national radio show America First tomorrow (Monday) to discuss Against the Corporate Media and also my 2020 best-seller on masculinity, Last Stands: Why Men Fight When All Is Lost. Please tune in!

Michael Walsh is a journalist, author, and screenwriter. He was for 16 years the music critic and a foreign correspondent for Time Magazine. His works include the novels As Time Goes By, And All the Saints, and the bestselling “Devlin” series of NSA thrillers; as well as the nonfiction bestseller, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace and its sequel, The Fiery Angel. Last Stands, a study of military history from the Greeks to the present, was published by St. Martin's Press in December 2019. He is also the editor of Against the Great Reset: 18 Theses Contra the New World Order, published on Oct. 18, 2022, and of the forthcoming Against the Corporate Media. Follow him on Twitter: @theAmanuensis


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One comment on “Coming Sept. 10: 'Against the Corporate Media'”

  1. I applaud the effort to create an anthology of media mischief, however most people have already tuned them out. We get our information from alternative media, one-on-one conversation with trusted people, and distilling all of the noise through intuition and experience. Nothing is taken at face value anymore.

    The legacy media is dead to most people. Look at today's readership and viewership numbers compared to twenty years ago. People will simply not pay to be lied to.

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