Bugs for Thee, Not for Me

Tom Finnerty07 Jan, 2022 < 1 Min Read
Good for the planet, too.

Over at the American Mind, Joel Kotkin has a great essay about America's ongoing, but underdiscussed, class war, which been aggravated by the Covid era. One bit that particularly jumped out at me was his suggestion that environmentalism is best understood as just another front in this war:

The traditional yeomanry—like the “kulaks” or wealthy peasants in Stalin’s day—is losing out. As executive compensation reached the stratosphere at the big tech and finance firms, small businesses faced what Harvard Business Review described as “an existential threat.” Experts are warning that one-third of small businesses, which comprise the majority of U.S. companies and employ nearly 50 percent of all workers, could ultimately shut down for good. Hundreds of thousands have already disappeared, including nearly half of all black-owned businesses.

The end of the pandemic may not alter the new class structure. Green activists see in the lockdowns a model for their preferred strategy of saving the planet by immiserating the middle class, even though climate change is named as the country’s biggest problem by a tiny 4 percent. The new model, under the rubric of “the great reset,” seeks to embrace degrowth, based on downsizing of aspirations of the striving masses. In the emerging schema, the average American must get out of their carstravel far less (as the oligarchs increase their own GHG-spewing private jet use), eat bugs, and live in tiny apartments.

Be sure and read the whole thing.

Tom Finnerty writes from New England and Ontario.


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